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Artificial Intelligence, Technology Trends of 2020

 Latest Technology Trend of 2020

Learning and boosting your skills are essential in this technological age. This helps you to groom yourself for getting the maximum paying jobs in the domain of your choice. If you are a specialist already, learning the latest technologies and tools will take you closer to the advancement you always imagined. 

At the present time, some of the newest trending technologies are assured to dominate in the IT industry during 2020 and also in the upcoming years. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the knowledge used for equipping operating systems with the capability to make evaluations like humans. Actuality being one of the trending technologies when artificial intelligence programs are provided for to systems, the target is to represent human intelligence for performing and complex jobs such as pattern identification, speech recognition, climate forecast, and health check diagnosis.

Artificial Intelligence is used in navigation based software such as Uber, Voice Assistants such as Siri, videos streaming service industries, Information Technology devices, and in search engines such as Google and Bing. Artificial Intelligence helps in automating tasks like traffic, building business forecasts, and designing driver-free cars!

As a result of 2030, Artificial Intelligence automation is imagined to create 70 million jobs. The sad fact is that Artificial Intelligence might wipe out 23 million jobs almost by the same time. Artificial Intelligence will create jobs in areas like testing, support, programming, maintenance, and data science. 

Therefore, learning Artificial Intelligence will help you secure jobs such as 

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Computer Vision Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Business Intelligence Developer

Discover What Chia Seed Does For You

When I first heard of the fact that Chia Seeds had various health benefits, I was intrigued. I was told that these seeds had such remarkable qualities. That is what I knew for sure; my whole life I've always had problems with certain foods and not knowing how to fix the problem. When I was diagnosed with diabetes and I was given a couple of years of insulin injections, I decided to stop using them and started consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables.

The first thing I did was start going out and eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I could because I found out that was really the best way to fight off the appetite of food and get me in the process of burning all the fat calories. After a few months, my blood sugar was back to normal. I got even more and discovered I was not only losing weight, but I was also doing it very effectively. I started eating healthier and started having much more energy, which made me extremely happy.

So you see, Chia Seeds actually worked and I found out they work really well, so I did some research about them. What I found was that it is actually a fruit that is filled with nutrients and fiber. The seed is supposed to be very high in nutrients. So I started to make some Chia Seed Oats and actually ate them regularly. Within a few weeks, I saw a drastic change in my health, which I had never experienced before.

Eating more fruits and vegetables are reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes

A research study finds a way between eating more fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of type 2 Diabetes.

Diabetes is studied as one of the major global health traumas of the 21st century. The latest research shows that 1 out of 3 Canadians live with either diabetes or pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest-growing diseases in Canada. Nevertheless, type 2 diabetes can be avoided or delayed through healthy lifestyle changes. 

Having high fruits and vegetable eating is suggested to play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes however, there is little conclusive evidence to support this claim. Earlier studies rely on food frequency surveys. Which have an important room for error or bias. With this in mind, researchers set out to study the link between fruit and vegetable intake and type 2 diabetes, across Eight European countries. 

Published in the British Medical Journal, investigators measured vitamin C and carotenoids in the blood of over 23,000 citizens in Eight European countries for more than 16 years. Data for the study was collated from more than 9000 victims with incident type 2 diabetes and more than 13000 victims from the European Potential Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Vitamin C and carotenoids are considered trustworthy biomarkers of fruits and vegetable consumption. By evaluating these biomarkers in blood plasma, it is much more truthful than relying on self-reported food frequency surveys. 

Outcomes show an inverse relationship between people who eat the most fruit and vegetable and cases of type 2 diabetes. Meaning, the superior the fruit and vegetable intake, the lower the rate of diabetes.  Victims who eat the least amount of fruit and vegetables have the highest rates of type 2 diabetes. Remarkably, the study disclosed that even a modest amount of extra fruits and vegetables (one extra serving per day) decreased the risk of diabetes by almost 30%.  

Over the last decade, the volume of fruits and vegetable intake has decreased, with less than 30% of citizens in Canada consumption five portions per day. This analysis highlights the value of fruits and vegetable intake. It shows that even adding one extra serving to your plate is sufficient to see helpful results. It recognizes a definitive link between having more fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%. 

The extreme prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Canada accounts for 90-95% of a diabetes diagnosis, with a growing sum of diagnoses that have been seen in children. Difficulties of diabetes could be life-threatening and include stroke, kidney failure, heart attack, and non-traumatic elimination. This research advocates that even moderate growth in fruits and vegetable intake could help prevent type 2 diabetes. It sends a robust public health message about the worth of intake in the struggle against type 2 diabetes. 


DiabetesCanadaWebsite. 2020. Preventing Diabetes. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2020].

DiabetesCanadaWebsite. 2020. One in three Canadians is living with diabetes or prediabetes. [online] Available at: <,-yet-knowledge-of-risk-and-complicatio> [Accessed 14 July 2020].

Global News. 2020. UBC Study Finds Canadian Fruit And Vegetable Consumption Down By 13 Per Cent. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2020].
Houlden, R., 2018. Introduction. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 42, pp.S1-S5.
Statista. 2020. Canadians Fruit And Vegetable Consumption Per Day Percent 2003-2017 | Statista. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2020].

Do Whole Grains Help You Lose Weight?

Experts have been asking the question for a long time, will Whole Grains help you lose weight? The results are in and the answer is a resounding "yes." Today we're going to talk about why it is so important to eat whole grains, and how they work in your body.

Whole grains like brown rice and oats are loaded with protein and fiber. The fiber in grains is helpful in getting rid of those foods that leave you feeling hungry in the first place. It helps in eliminating those foods that you know that you're not supposed to eat, such as junk food. These foods make you hungry and then end up missing the dinner that you were counting on, because they left you craving something other than the healthy dinner that you were having.

While the best way to get good nutrition is to eat vegetables and fresh fruits, they are also loaded with fat and calories. Whole grains have both of these things, without the fat and calories.

There are so many ways that whole grains can help you lose weight. You can begin by changing what you put into your body. When you eat healthy foods, you can easily see positive results.

The thing about grain products is that they are a great source of fiber. Since we eat everything that we produce, we can't afford to be eating too much junk. Eating whole grains can help you not only with weight loss, but you can also see a huge difference in your overall health.

Whole grains are a staple of our diet, but most people don't realize that they're part of our everyday lives. We eat things that are processed things are bad for us. It's difficult to get people to change their lifestyles if they are constantly going to restaurants where they are told to eat better and serve it to them. That's why you have to be careful about what you put into your body, it needs to have some variety.

Bread is one of the most important things to eat, and without it, we're going to have a hard time sustaining ourselves. Our eating habits will not change until we start to eat a better diet. Whole grains are part of the modern world, they should be part of everyone's diet.

If you're wondering if whole grains help you lose weight, you should seriously consider adding them to your daily routine. They can do more than provide your body with healthy vitamins and minerals. They can also help you lose weight and get in shape.

Apple Cider Vinegar As a Miracle Product

Apple Cider Vinegar is a healthy food as well as a miracle product. You would have to have tasted it to believe it, but you should not dismiss it completely. This particular concoction has been used for centuries in the East and West and has proven to be more effective and safer than many other alternatives available in the market today. You may not be aware of the many benefits that this apple cider vinegar can provide, but here are some of them:

It is considered as a health food because of its high content of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and carbohydrates. It also contains a large quantity of Vitamins C and A, which have been shown to slow down the aging process in your body. It also has citric acid, which is present in foods that you consume. Another reason why Apple Cider Vinegar is considered as a health food is because of its antimicrobial properties, which prevents unwanted diseases from spreading. While the recommended use of it is to dilute it in water and drink it for a couple of times a day, you can use it in other applications as well such as mixing it with ingredients like olive oil, to make an effective toothpaste.

The medical term for Apple Cider Vinegar is "ascorbic acid", and it is composed of eight different elements. Each of these elements has its own unique ability to help in the fight against various diseases and infections. Vitamin C is said to have antiviral properties. It helps to fight viruses by neutralizing the harmful effects of viruses such as hepatitis and influenza. Vitamin A is believed to be an anti-inflammatory agent, while Vitamin B is effective in preventing the complications that come with diabetes.

What Are Essential Oils and Why Do You Need Them?

While I work my way through this article I want to explain what Essential Oils are and what some of the main benefits are associated with them. This article is meant to be an overview.

Aromatherapy, or the use of scented oils to enhance the senses, was first introduced in the US by Theodore Fuller. He learned from his years spent in India with native people who massaged themselves while bathing. There they used natural herbs and aromatic plants and oils to create a fragrance that helped their bodies relax and enjoy the warmth of the water.

We all know that there is a lot of history and science involved in the soap making and soaps we have now, but the fact is that many natural soaps and oils come from plant sources. If you look at the ingredients of natural soaps for example you will see that they are made up of plant sources such as Shea Butter, Babassu, and Tea Tree Oil. Many of these scents are floral or other aromatics as well. The same goes for many essential oils.

So how do they offer health benefits? Well the first benefit comes from the actual scent. Aromatherapy is thought to help promote and maintain a healthy immune system.

Herbal scents have also been studied for medicinal properties. They may help improve circulation, promote healing and help the body function better. And because essential oils come from plant sources and not animal products, they have a lower risk of going rancid and becoming a pest.

Mind you, many oils do not seem to have any medicinal properties, they are simply attractive scents. There are several essential oils that are also known for being sedative and mood enhancers. For example, Tea Tree Oil has this property, but many others do as well.

Tea Tree Oil is one of the most popular ones. Other popular ones include lavender, lemon, lemongrass, jojoba, geranium, patchouli, peppermint, Rosemary, henna, clary, rose, basil, and cedarwood. Each one of these has different uses and healing properties. Each of these oils has the potential to help our health, improve our skin, protect our bodies from disease, help us feel better, and have a calming affect.

In essence they are a healing and refreshing way to use oils, aromatherapy, and the holistic aspect of both. It's nice to know that if you can take the essential oils out of soap making, you can do something beneficial with the aromatherapy oils as well.

Juicing Avocados For a Healthier Body

Avocados are an amazing snack food, but you can make them healthy by juicing them. I used to eat lots of avocados all the time, but now I only eat a few times a year because of how bad I felt after eating them. I was feeling really bloated all the time, I'd sweat a lot, and my whole body just felt bad. Juicing them allows your body to get the antioxidants and other nutrients that you need to feel better. You'll still get that delicious avocado taste, but your body will be much healthier for it.

I found that all fruit tastes so much better when they're juiced, and so does avocados. It's hard to describe, but when you juice an avocado you get this great creamy texture, and you get all sorts of nutrients in there that your body craves. These nutrients help your body fight off things like cholesterol and other harmful toxins that build up and make you sick. Juicing is also very easy to do, you just pour the avocado chunks into a blender and blend until smooth. Then you just take a little bit at a time and drink it as a smoothie.

I'm going to give you a sneak peek into what my friend did for her cleanse last week. Her mom had been sick a lot, and she was stressed out about it. Her mum came home a couple days ago from a fast and told her that she was sick. She was pretty worried about it and didn't know what to do, so she asked me to look into it. I immediately ran to the fridge and grabbed some fresh avocado chunks and started preparing a smoothie with them. It was great! I drank it right after dinner and it was delicious!

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