If you're not familiar with PPC advertising, the general term "search engine marketing" would be a good starting point. This type of advertising is very popular in the US. However, it is a little different in other countries.
At a high level, this type of advertising is best described as the use of your website as a medium to facilitate your campaign. Most of the people that engage in this kind of advertising use it as a means to generate traffic to their sites for whatever the purpose of that traffic is.
This essentially means that you can make money by linking to a merchant's site through your affiliate links. Typically, the merchants will have your affiliate links in a place that is visible to anyone who is searching for certain products or services. In fact, most merchants do have affiliates on their sites and they are happy to get their customers to link to them. When they are aware of these affiliate programs, they advertise them in a way that not only gets more traffic to their websites, but they get people to link to them.
The first thing you want to consider about affiliate marketing is what type of products are out there and how much competition there is for them. In order to generate sales for your website, you need to do a little research and find out what products are on the market right now and where you can get an edge. The reason for this is simple: you want to be able to promote your site with very little effort and by using products that are not available at your competitors.
What you may find when you sign up for an affiliate program is that the links you use may not be trusted or may not be included with those from merchants that you don't know and have never heard of. If this is the case, it may be best to look for a product that is similar to the one you are promoting.
There are many ways that you can help yourself to build trust with your customers and earn more money. You may want to start by creating articles that show why your site would be a good match for what you are promoting.
Instead of writing out something that can be shared with many others, you might instead want to write it down and then make a video of yourself talking about it. Then, you can get a second opinion and share your video on social media sites like YouTube. Getting feedback is a great way to gather data that can help you out later on.
One of the best ways to learn more about PPC advertising is to do your own research. The more research you do, the better prepared you will be to compete against the best of the best.