What is dysthymic depression? This kind of depression is not like the other type of depression which is clinical depression, which is characterized by a set of symptoms. In this article we are going to discuss what dysthymia is and how you can get diagnosed for it.
Dysthymia is a milder form of depression that has effects similar to those of severe clinical depression, but in most cases has no known cause or cure. People with this kind of depression usually experience a decline in work performance and are also less productive. The person with this type of depression does not feel guilt or melancholy and may express feelings of hopelessness and fear. People who have this kind of depression should not feel bad about themselves or to cause pity, as they will only worsen their condition.
Dysthymic depression is different from manic-depression, another common form of depression. Most people who suffer from this form of depression will be less depressed than those who suffer from manic-depression. The person with this kind of depression may not see any changes in mood, behavior or thought patterns.
Dysthymic depression can cause a lot of problems if left untreated. The patient may be self-destructive and it will increase the likelihood of self-harm and suicide. Some of the symptoms of dysthymia are lack of interest in sex, loss of appetite, sleeping too much, excessive irritability, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of death and suicide attempts. The patient also has trouble concentrating and getting work done.
Dysthymic depression is a milder form of depression that may be treated with antidepressants and other medication. There are not many drugs that are specifically prescribed for this type of depression, although the more serious cases may require hospitalization. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can help the patient manage the symptoms of dysthymia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is also an effective treatment.
Dysthymic depression is the only type of depression that is not caused by chemical imbalances within the brain. This kind of depression can affect both men and women. The disorder is most common in the mid-forties, but it can occur at any age, but only when people are experiencing a decrease in functioning abilities. This disorder is also known as dysthymia and can also be referred to as dysthymia depressive disorder, dysthymic depressive syndrome, major depressive disorder, and mixed depressive disorders.
The popular belief is that dysthymia is caused by a lack of a certain hormone. This has been shown to be untrue as a major review study has been conducted on this topic.
The causes of depression are still not well understood. Because of this, antidepressants have been prescribed for years. This is not the best way to treat this condition.