When you have a web application that requires additional, additional code, you will find out pretty quickly that the main issue is the necessity for rich application development. Although the particular need is different for each web application, the underlying issue is still a matter of complexity and what would be the right approach. This article will discuss why it is important to have a rich application development in a web application and how you can choose the appropriate approach. The article is divided into two parts: one discussing the need for rich application development, and the second dealing with a few reasons why having it in a web application is a good idea.
There are three main parts to application development: client-side, server-side, and front end. To explain the application development process we must begin with the client. In a web application a client is a computer that is connected to the internet. Therefore it is easy to define a client as anything that connects to the internet.
Each client needs to connect to a server that serves as a platform for communication. The client that has a data connection needs to run any application on the server. As an example this could be the data connection of the browser or a mobile device. If the application does not have any form of interactivity (such as HTML) then it may only run in the background, but an application on the server can make it visible to the user by opening a window that is full screen. This makes the user aware of the content of the application, by which he can click on the window to open it.
When a web developer has decided to create a web application, they will generally make the assumption that the server will be running with PHP, ASP, or some other scripting language. However, if you think about this further you will realize that the web application will probably only be used by a small set of people, and this may be a high-end business client that expects the use of a command-line interface. As such, the application should be written in a language that is not restricted to this small audience.
This leaves us with the web developer needing to understand how to write PHP code that can serve as the basis for displaying information from the database, a set of charts, graphs, user interfaces and possibly even some forms to capture data from the users. The PHP language allows the programmer to specify the data formats that they wish to use and provides a number of methods to access data and update data.
The next requirement for a web application that has the requirement for rich application development is for a webserver to allow the web developer to access the data from the web server and also to communicate it back to the browser. Therefore, the server needs to have a functional module that will be used for communication, and also to store and update data. It is also important that the server supports data transfer protocol (such as HTTP), and that the server supports document management (such as a MySQL database).
Once the web developer has gained access to the data on the server and is able to make changes, the webserver needs to allow communication between the web developer and the browser to display the data that was generated. This is another communication layer, and it also allows the web developer to be able to use the application directly from the browser and interact with the application.
The last requirement for the web developer to be able to make changes to the application and to be able to view the data that is generated is for the application to be able to be hosted by a hosting service. This means that the server that you are using will require a server to support the website hosting requirements. To help simplify the process of developing a website with the particular requirement for rich application development a web development service provider can be very useful.